buildHtml baseUrl metaTags editButton /edit.html title Bad Leaders PCA style.css header class hero nav div Bad Leaders class logo div class nav-links a About href #about a How It Works href #how-it-works a GitHub class cta-button href div class hero-content h1 Bad Leaders PCA p Visualizing the worst leaders in history p Enter a leader's traits below to find their historical match main section id pca-plot class pca-plot div class plot-container canvas id leaderPlot section id leader-input class leader-input h2 Find Your Match div class input-container input type text id leaderTraits placeholder Describe a leader (e.g. authoritarian, corrupt, charismatic...) button id findMatch Find Match div id matchResult class match-result section id about class about h2 About This Project p This PCA plot visualizes historical leaders based on traits like authoritarianism, corruption, and charisma. The data is synthesized for educational purposes. section id how-it-works class how-it-works h2 How It Works p The plot uses Principal Component Analysis to reduce leader traits into 2D space. When you describe a leader, it finds the closest match in the dataset. footer div class footer-content div class footer-links a Data Source href # a Methodology href # a GitHub href p Educational project by [Your Name] script.js